bzb biotech

 Interventional  Bio-Physics

bzb biotech is a privately funded research entity with 20 years experience in the development of cutting edge healing therapies broadly based on Rife frequency  technology.  These protocols are named after bacteriologist and quantum physicist Royal Raymond Rife (1888-1971), who pioneered practical applications of quantum entanglement and quantum entrainment principles to heal and detoxify the human body.  His seminal research provided the groundwork for extensive developments and breakthroughs in the field of quantum physics over the past 90 years.  When Albert Einstein witnessed Rife's demonstration of his quantum entanglement signal projection at a distance Einstein called it "Spooky", a moniker that was adopted by John White when he began the development of an indexed knowledge base of Rife's work and the commercialization of the technology for the mass markets.  White's work was greatly refined by Johann Stegmann, who devleloped an operating system for frequency applications using the remote "at a distance"  technology.  Spooky frequency sets and equipment are currently used by over 25,000 clients worldwide.  Substantial  research and enhancement to the original Spooky coding, waveforms and frequency databases and application modalities have been published extensively by David Bourke, Jadran Margan, Dr. Richard Loyd,  David Halliday, Peter Dugel, Robert Wewer and an otherwise active community of dedicated bio-physics researchers and practitioners.

Over the past few years our research was focused on pain management, inflammation reducton and rapid joint repair as well as pathogenic research seeking cures for common flu strains, Covid-19 and its peripheral effects such as reduced breathing capacity, lung congestion, edema and sinusitus.   The results of that research produced and continues to produce significant, although anecdotal successes for many clients with both structural and visceral pain as well as multiple pathogenic conditions.

We were among the pioneers in the development and application of an extensive digital drug catalog including Amlodipine, Benazapril, Cialis, Ambien, Hydroxychloroquine, Glutathione, Vitamin D3, Ivermectin, Diclofenac, Melatonin, Fenbendazole, Clindamyacin HCL, Reglan, Lithium Orotate, Ritalin, Tamsulosin , and many others.    We are able to deliver the effects of these drugs to the body through projected frequency technology with no collateral side effects to the heart, liver kidneys, etc. since the "drugs" do not cross the brain/blood barrier.  This may sound like science fiction but the effects are real.

Our current application research is devoted to the imprinting of various frequency sets into small holographic adhesive vinyl disks that can be adhered to the body and will deliver a coherent range of frequencies for a period of days and/or sometimes longer depending on enviromental factors. We have successfully applied these imprinted stickers to help remedy more than 50 conditions including headache, alopecia, skin dark spots, bracial plexus pain, bone repair, hip and back pain, dizziness and vertigo, insomnia, TMJ, improving bladder and kidney function, prostatitis, sinusitis, sciatica, tennis elbow, vagus nerve impairment  and many others.  Our most recent research with stickers has produced remarkable overnight resolution of childhood autism and COPD conditions.  In addition, the results of the autism research have shown incremental positive improvement in the child's behavior over a period of 4 months.  Those results have been life changing for the better for both the child and the parents. 

The implications from this research are obviously stunning.  These 1" diameter vinyl stickers can be put on and taken off in a second.  There are no wires, no needles, no pills, no interference with the rest of the body.  if any negative side effects occur, simply remove the sticker.  By adjusting the amplitude of the voltage and the specific waveform used to imprint the stickers the relative effect can be modulated.  If the goal is to kill a skin lesion or kill virus causing a sore throat then a specific voltage/waveform/frequency set can be imprinted on a sticker.  If the goal is to relieve hip or back pain, accelerate the healing of an injury, detoxify the body or tonify a specific organ then a completley different voltage/waveform/frequency set can be imprinted.

Perhaps surprisingly, this technology, including fully programmable software, is available for a few hundred dollars through Spooky. 

bzb biotech  does not sell or service Spooky equipment, nor do we receive compenation in any form from Spooky.  We just like and use  many of their products because they work and are incredibly inexpensive relative to other somewhat similar products on the market.  Our mission is strictly the development of Rife technology based healing therapies that can significantly improve the quality of your life.  We provide these therapies at no cost to those who are committed to improving their health status and are willing to make an effort to do so.  Non-technical persons may encounter somewhat of a learning curve familairizing themselves with the jargon and programming options of the system although most users quickly develop a comfort level in running and maintaining the software and hardware within a few hours.

                                 Buddha said, " Every day we are born again.  What we do today is what matters most".        

Sites of interest :    Spooky Blog Index  > Complete index of Spooky Q&A covers all facets of the technology and software.   VIA DNA Remotes  > Peripheral state of the art remote frequency tramsmitting devices to be used with Spooky frequency generators .   Cancer Clinic  > Rifing applications and David Halliday's extensive library of healing frequency sets for a variety of conditions.   Imprinting Video  > YouTube look at one imprinting setup for pain management.

A focus of our current  therapeutic research includes two supplemental non-Rife protcols which improve ATP levels, :  methylene blue > a true wonder substance to promote overall health and help remedy a variety of otherwise untreatable conditions.   Recent first hand reports reflect dramatic remission from long term Type 2 diabetes using a minimal dosage of 10 drops of methylene blue  twice a day as well as extremely rapid recovery from flu symptoms at the 60 - 80 drops a day level.    Red Light Therapy  >  non-invasive pain management , anti-inflammatory, tissue restoration and general bodily tonic.  Red Light arrays are available in a variety of sizes and wattages in the form of flat panels, handheld wands and/or flexible matts to treat multiple conditions.  Like methylene blue, red light therapy helps cells function more efficiently by removing nitric oxide in the mitochondria so that oxygen can be replenished and ATP production can be increased thereby facilitating the flow of cellular chemical energy.  The benefits of increased ATP levels in the body can be especially dramatic for chronic fatigue conditions, and wtih no collateral adverse effects.  

bzb biotech is a not for profit collaboration of technical, scientific and medical researchers dedicated to developing non-invasive and non-opiod health management solutions based on state of the art protocols in bio-physics and bio-chemistry.  The efficacy of health wellness solutions developed via this research is anecdotal and since every human possesses a unique health profile and associated benchmarks there is no warranty offered or implied that these protocols will have similar outcomes for every user.

                              Contact         Helpline   949-939-4119           LaQuinta,California